The Student Newspaper of Highline College


Zaith Mavesere is a highline student who also works at the highline pantry.

Striking a balance: Navigating the challenges of personal and academic growth for today’s students

Kunika Staff Reporter May 18, 2023

Highline students are assisting themselves in such a way that they are able to balance both their personal and academic life. 

Stability of academic and personal responsibilities is crucial in order to maintain some semblance of balance.

The biggest challenge faced by students is time management. It can be difficult to juggle school work and work responsibilities, as well as other commitments such as family and social activities. 

Highline student Van Nguyen said she has managed to balance all of her responsibilities as she’s gotten older by planning out her days. 

“I like to create to-do lists on my phone everyday and try to manage my time,” she said. “In the beginning, it was so difficult to do everything, but now it seems like I am getting mature and I can handle everything.”

The most important thing is to prioritize the time and focus on what’s most important. Create a schedule that allows you to balance both school and work, and stick to it as much as possible. Utilizing any available resources, such as online study material or flexible work hours, can help with time management.

“Creating timetables before sleeping at night helps me to make my day better,” said Highline student Maria Nguyen. 

Although this is easier said than done, some students may find that their grades suffer or that they are simply too exhausted to keep up with everything. However, with careful planning and determination, it is possible for many students to succeed in both areas.

“It’s quite the opposite having a job made me realize how to work smarter not harder. When I complete my assignments it becomes a one or two hour intensely focused session, this allows my productivity to increase,” said Highline student Zaith Mavesere.

The most difficult time for many students is often around exam season or when work deadlines are approaching. This is when time management becomes even more crucial and it’s important to stay organized and focused in order to meet all the deadlines.

Highline student Maria Nguyen added to this and said she takes certain days off during the seasons for the sake of catching up on work and meeting deadlines. 

“There’s two days left, I was trying to manage my time and trying to complete my assignments before the deadlines,” she said. “I took the holidays [off] for a week so that I can get good grades in my finals.”

Another factor that needs to be considered multitasking may allow some students to get more than one thing done at the same time. 

Highline student Khushdeep Kaur said she would balance her school work at her job when she found the time too. 

“I would bring my books to the restaurant and whenever I feel free, I just take my books and start [studying],” she said. ”I always try to think of how I can complete my assignments while doing my job.”

The key of successful student workers is to stay organized, communicate with professors and employers, and remember why you’re doing it all in the first place.

“My determination is my goal of being a successful business manager in the field of computer science. Being a hardworking student, I’m able to organize things in a good way,” said Highline student Zaith Mavesere.

Juggling both a job and being a student can be hard, but students like Van Nguyen said she knows it will help her in her future studies. 

“It can be tough, but I know that all of this hard work will pay off in the end,” she said. “In the meantime, I‘m learning valuable skills and making connections that will help me in my future career.” 

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