Highline students may join the class ENGL 290 – Editing: The Arcturus, as the requirements will change winter quarter.
Arcturus is Highline’s literary and art magazine run by students.
“[The Arcturus] showcases the written and visual talents of our students, staff, faculty, and alumni. We are a student editorial team that brings a fresh concept to print each year in June,” the Arcturus website said.
Susan Rich, faculty for the creative writing and film studies at Highline, said prior to winter quarter the class requirement to become an Arcturus editor has changed.
“In the past, students had to take ENG 200 before they could qualify to be an editor, winter quarter that all changes,” she said. “Now that ENG 200 no longer meets the second English requirement for an AA, the enrollment numbers have gone down.”
But students will be recommended to take specific classes such as ENG 200 – Creative Writing, Rich said.
“Students will be asked to take ENG 200 alongside Arcturus – but they won’t need any prior experience,” she said.
Students will have the chance to develop hands-on skills while working at the Arcturus, Rich said.
“I feel that being an Arcturus editor is the sweet little secret at Highline – it’s a chance to learn about editing, publishing and printing on a professional basis,” she said. “And in addition, Arcturus has won national awards for the design.”
Click here for more information on ENGL 290 – Editing: The Arcturus, visit: ENGL 290 – Editing: The Arcturus.