The Student Newspaper of Highline College

Summer tuition due date approaching

Kaili Nakaya Staff Reporter Jun 02, 2022

Tuition is due June 13 for Summer Quarter.

You may pay all your tuition by the due date, but Highline also offers other options for payment.

Students may use third-party payment called Nelnet, and you can also pay with a third-party voucher, such as SEIU, Boeing, DSHS/DVR.

You can pay with a check or money order.

Some students may have funding with an award. If that award doesn’t cover the entire payment, the rest of tuition and fees is the student’s responsibility.

To learn more about tuition payment and due dates, view Highline’s tuition website at

If paying with third party vouchers, email your voucher to for the processing.

To pay with checks or money order, email the Highline cashiers at

For any further questions about due dates, payment, or tuition in general, email Kendra Ferrer, Fiscal Analyst 2 at

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