The Student Newspaper of Highline College

Savings program helps students make money

Faith Chao Staff Reporter Dec 02, 2021

A six-month long savings program has started and is available to Highline students who can earn money through their savings.

The Savings Match Program is an “online tool that encourages saving through cash incentives,” Ciara White, the Benefits Hub campus coordinator said.

The Benefits Hub was created by United Way of King County to support students with their financial challenges. Through the Benefits Hub, students can work with advisers for financial coaching, housing support, and other financial resources.

To participate in the program, students must be enrolled in at least six credits or in a college degree seeking program and have some form of income.

“Program participants link their current bank account and commit to saving a minimum of $16 per month, for six months,” White said. “For every month savers can make their savings goal, they will earn money.”

The Seattle Credit Union partnered with United Way will each match what the student saves, in a two to one match.The students participating in the program will receive money while they commit to saving their own money. 

If a student saves a minimum of $16 a month for six months, they will have a total of $96. Once combined with the matches from the Seattle Credit Union, and United Way, the student will have a final total of $288 saved.  

If a student saves a maximum of $250 by the end of the six months, combined with the matches from the Seattle Credit Union and United Way, the student will have a grand total of $750. 

Students enrollment into the program will continue through the month of December. 

The program will last for six months and will continue until June 2022. 

The savings program was made available through the Benefits Hub which aims to reduce students’ financial burdens so they can have a good college experience and reach their goals.

Additional benefits are available to students participating in the program, said Linda Brown, one of the Benefits Hub coaches. 

“The Benefits Hub has services to help build financial stability and reach financial goals,” Brown said. “We also provide Financial Aid Assistance, Mental Health & Wellness Referrals, Emergency Financial Grants, and Rent Assistance.”

Students interested in participating in the program can make an appointment with the Benefits Hub coaches at 

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