In an unexpected twist, the elusive and enigmatic Carmen Sandiego has been sighted in Highline, sending the city into a frenzy of excitement and curiosity. But beware, citizens, for wherever Carmen goes, a whirlwind of intrigue and mystery follows.
Reports indicate that Carmen Sandiego was seen discreetly making her way through the bustling streets of Highline, leaving locals and authorities scratching their heads. What could possibly be her latest target, and what valuable treasure has she set her sights on this time?
For those unfamiliar with this enigmatic character, Carmen Sandiego is known for her impeccable ability to orchestrate audacious heists and disappear without a trace. With a knack for stealing some of the world’s most priceless artifacts and historical relics, Carmen is a master of disguise and cunning. Her presence in Highline ignited a wave of curiosity, and authorities are on high alert, trying to predict her next move.