As Highline’s women’s basketball team closes out their 2024-25 season, they hold their heads high. The team found themselves in a new position this season, having the addition of new head coach, Emil Swain. The team was also assisted with the help of assistant coaches Vivienne McClean and Tiana Pye.
Swain was able to give a solid foundation to his team, and created energy within each matchup. The players kept 100% energy every time they entered the court, and maintained it even if they were losing.
On paper, it looks like the team struggled this season, but that could be far from the truth. The team may have had a 6-16 overall record for the season, but entered every match with determination to win, and ended every match with pride, leaving everything out on the court.
The team was able to form a solid core, but faltered from injuries throughout the season. Even with all of that, they were able to pull through, and found success in their NWAC conference play. They end the season with a 4-8 conference record.
During their last home game on Saturday, Feb. 22 Jesselle Victo, Hani Ahmed, Anaiya Lewis, Ramaya Sumler, Jada Alexander, Lilianna DeTienne, and Susan Starr were the seven sophomores that were honored. Their contributions to the team were invaluable.
The program honored the team’s sophomores with a pre-game celebration, talking about each girl’s achievements for the two years they got to play with the team.
Head Coach Swain said, “This season our team used our time improving our skills, and working hard on the court.”
The team traveled to Tacoma to end their 2024-25 season against Tacoma CC, taking home a 68-57 win to end their season on a positive note.
Congratulations on an amazing season, and go T-Birds!