Welcome back from break Thunderbirds! With the new quarter here, we have a new way for you to get your information – on the go.
Over the break two of our very own Thunderword student editors, Cam Lyons and Mavrie Durham, with the help of Faculty Advisor Kara Stuart, started a podcast, aptly named “the ThunderPod.”
“[The ThunderPod] was a long-brewing idea from the moment our team came together. It was a way to try and expand our current standing as just a digital newspaper and really grow into something Highline hasn’t tried before,” says co-host Durham.
The first episode covers topics across campus, alludes to a few upcoming articles, and shines a light on some of the co-hosts favorite resources. Expect an episode soon, with subsequent editions to be published every three weeks, covering the news from each of those weeks.
“Coming from a background in film and writing, it was very exciting to use skills from the past and apply them in a way I was passionate about,” said Durham.
Co-host Lyons shares, “I’m so excited to see what comes from this; it’s been a wonderful sign, seeing the excitement in people’s eyes when they hear about this new project. I guess that’s where I get the confidence that this will be a success.”
“Kara and everyone at the Thunderword have such a distinctive, positive approach to challenges, that creating a podcast is more about the possibilities than anything else. I’m stoked,” continued Lyons.
Listeners can currently find the podcast below, and the co-hosts are hoping to soon have the podcast available on Spotify and Apple Music.
“I hope that our little project grows from the little seeds Cam and I have started,” Durham says.
Listen to the first episode here: